The Perfect Two Week Morocco Itinerary


There are some trips that you can plan spontaneously. You can fly by the seat of your pants and still manage to see all there is to see. Not so much in Morocco. Instead, you need to have an idea of where you want to go and a good schedule of what to see and do. Morocco is a surprisingly large country that offers many different experiences. From the Sahara desert, the bustling medinas, and the intricate maze of streets, you’ll want to have a plan. I’ve mapped out the perfect two week Morocco itinerary that will ensure you see the magnitude of this interesting country.
Below you can find a map of all the places discussed in this post:
[powr-map id=5b2f7b07_1526645750]
Morocco always felt a bit mysterious to me. Sure, there were the numerous Instagram pictures in the lantern shops and the teal and white colored riads (small hotels). But what about the rich culture of the cities? How did people really live? And how can you get the most out of a visit to Morocco? Africa’s northern country felt like such a far off place, but truthfully it’s almost touching Spain and has an eclectic mix of cultures and climates. And I couldn’t wait to explore.
These were the questions I pondered as we took a flight from Germany into the Marrakesh airport. I found Morocco to not only be breathtakingly beautiful, but also a true adventure. I hope this itinerary and guide to Morocco will help you plan your trip.


A 14 day trek through Morocco is a good start. But of course, you can do a 12 day itinerary or even 10 days and still see a great many places. At the end of this post I’ll give you some shorter itinerary ideas as well. You can truly fit so much into two weeks in this country. One thing’s for sure, I’ll definitely be back.
For this guide, I’m going to share how long to spend in each city, plus hotels for each location.



I suggest flying in and out of Marrakech. This is a great starting point, and a good place to dive into the culture of Morocco. It’s full of typical amenities- you’ll find chain restaurants and even an upscale shopping mall, but it still has the charm of Morocco with the old medina and many lovely places to get lost.
The airport in Marrakech was surprisingly nice. Most airports are fairly standard but the design here is unique and looks lovely against the Atlas mountains in the distance. The security to get out of the airport was fairly long, so be prepared to fill out a customs form.
After landing, we took a bus from the airport to our hotel in Marrakech, we dropped off our stuff and immediately walked into the heart of the town. The smell of tajines waft through the air and as the sun set the Jemaa el-Fna square transforms into a stage for street performers, snake charmers, and pickpockets. We grabbed a fresh juice (I chose pineapple and mango) for 10 dirham (equivalent to $1) and walked around in awe. We spent just a quick time in Marrakech since we knew we’d be back towards the end of the trip to really explore.


We woke up bright and early and took a two-hour bus ride over to Beni Mellal. This city is between Marrakech and Fes, so it made for the perfect first stop. The main attraction here are the Ouzoud Waterfalls. In the local Berber dialect, Ouzoud means “olive”, and believe me there are plenty of olive trees around. We were shocked to learn that Morocco is home to over 90 million olive trees! Olive trees take 15 years to grow and actually produce olive oil. But once they do they will live for up to 2,000 years. Morocco is continually planting more and more trees and you’ll also get your fill of fresh pitted olives almost everywhere you go.
If you don’t want to go all the way to the Ouzoud falls, you can see the very nearby Ein Osrdon. It’s not quite as grand, but it’s a cool view of the city and has lovely gardens. If you go up the hill a bit, you’ll see the Ain Asserdoun fortress and get a great view of the city below.
In the picture below, I left the tired camel in the shot. I thought it was important to show that you will see animals treated poorly and for show. This is still a poor country and unfortunately, things like this do happen. I think it’s necessary to show a balance of what really happens when you travel.
After stopping for lunch in Beni Mellal we headed to Fes.
This was one of my favorite cities we visited. Not only is it home to the oldest media, it feels like you’re stepping into a different world. You’re greeted by a grand entrance of blue and green tiles that open up like an impressive welcome. Fes is known as the city of 1,000 gates, each one grander than the next.
Since you’ve been traveling all day, I suggest having a traditional dinner and heading to bed early. Here’s an option for a hotel in Fes.


Get up early and head over to The Royal Palace. The earlier, the better. This way you beat the tourists to see the beautiful gates that lead to the palace. These intricate gates are copper and patterned with highly detailed geometric motifs. In Moroccan culture the motifs never include animals or humans because this goes against the Muslim religion.
Fes was once the capital of Morocco until the French relocated it to Rabat in 1912, yet it remains a more modern and tolerant place.
After you admire the gates, take a walk through the Jewish quarter or “Mellah”. Mellah means “salt” because the Jews were often trading in salt. You’ll notice very different, tightly packed homes.
Fes is known as the cultural capital of Morocco. With a maze-like medina, the oldest university, tanneries, and some of the coolest spots to drink mint tea, you’ll want to spend all day getting lost. And you just might. The medina is so dense, I suggest having a guide, unless you have ample amount of time. Dating back to the 800’s, the medina is full of tiny, twisting alleyways that seem to all look the same. It’s the world’s largest car-free urban area, with donkeys that cart goods to and from. I have heard some uncomfortable stories of being pickpocketed in Fes, so I highly suggest a guide.
Once in the medinas, you’ll find endless shopping, beautiful stores, and handmade objects and spices. Next, head over to University of al-Qarawiyyin, the oldest existing, continually operating university in the world. This is a UNESCO world heritage site started by a woman, Fatima al-Fihri in 859. It’s incredibly striking and one of the coolest buildings I’ve ever seen.
One of my favorite things to do in Fes was to drink mint tea. As you’re walking the winding streets in the Fes medina, you’ll notice all of these beige, somewhat crummy looking buildings. But then, you step inside to find overwhelming opulent decor. As our guide said, “Moroccan houses are like Moroccan women- modest on the outside, and beautiful once they take their clothes off!”
Inside is an absolutely grand space fit for kings and queens. This is the perfect spot for a bite to eat and a refreshingly sweet mint tea.
Near the university, head to Al Attarine Madrasa. This is an Islamic school of learning and has incredible, intricate and ornate architecture.
If you’d like to see more beautiful architecture, go to Medersa Bou Inania. This is one of the only religious buildings in the city that non-Muslims can enter.
Around every corner in Fes was something new. It could be gorgeous architecture, a quiet corner, an incredible shop filled with ornamental vases, or a crumbling corner. It was an adventure with each step.


Cafe Clock – traditional, quick, and uber popular
Ruined Garden – hip, beautiful, great for lunch and pictures
Dar Roumana – traditional Moroccan with a twist in a cozy, intimate atmosphere, make a reservation
Fes et Gestes – Traditional medina house with beautiful courtyard and the perfect spot for mint tea. You’d be remiss to visit Fes and not taste the mint tea!


Cover your nose, and head to the tanneries. Yes, it’s very very smelly. But it’s worth the experience to see how leather is made. The process really surprised me. I suggest going to the Chouara Tannery to get a look inside. If you want a tour, they will gladly offer you one, but expect to pay them a tip. Nearby, are also many rug shops including the famous Chez Haidou.
If you’d like to skip the tanneries but still want to get a glimpse, head over to Shop 64. It’s up a maze of steps but a great place for shopping and a non-smelly view of the tannery.
On your way out of Fes, make sure you head up to the top at fortress Borj Nord and the Merenid Tombs for an incredible view of the labyrinth of the medina. You’ll find a 16th-century fortress and an arms museum. I wish we had more time to see more and if I had to go back I think I would have added an additional day in Fes. There was so much to see and I just really enjoyed it here!
Stop in Meknes for the market and lunch. This is a city that’s a much slower pace than Fes and makes for a nice break.
From, here, enjoy the incredible landscape as you make your way to Volubilis. High above the valley you’ll find 2,000 year old Roman ruins. Volubilis was the administrative center of the kingdom of Mauretania and one of the more remote cities within the Roman Empire. I suggest taking a guided tour – it only lasts about one hour, to get the most out of your visit.
We’ll make our way to Rabat to see the grand burial tomb of Mohammad V and the Hassan Tower. When you first come upon the tower, it looks like it was split in half. Really, it was never completed. These are conveniently located right next to one another so it’s easy to see both.
We also took a trip to see the King’s Palace but it’s mostly closed off, so this isn’t something I would advise you to do. You basically stand a few hundred feet away from armed guards. Next, we headed to Casablanca where we got in late and spent the night.
PRO TIP: If you’d like to skip the cities in between, you can easily take the train from Fes to Casablanca for under $30.


I was so excited for Casablanca. I love the movie (Casablanca) and even though I know it wasn’t filmed there, I just didn’t care. It already felt a bit romantic to me. What can I say? I’m a sap.
First things first, we checked out the incredible Hassan II Mosque. This alone was one of my highlights of Morocco. This is the biggest mosque in Morocco and the 3rd largest in the world. It’s so large, clean, and every square inch is detailed. Even the lights are patterned with geometric mosaics. The architect was actually French but used all materials for the mosque sourced directly from Morocco. For instance, the wood is from the Atlas Mountains in Ifrane. The plaster is handmade and takes 4 days for just one square meter.
There are only two things that are not Moroccan: the chandeliers are Venetian glass (57 of them that weight 900 kilos each!) and some marble from Italy.
Capacity in the Mosque is about 25,000 worshipers inside and 80,000 outside. So, a total of around 105,000 people. Women pray above in the mezzanine which holds about 5,000. In total, it’s 90,000 square meters inside and outside and it faces to the east, in the direction of God.
The mosque took only 6 years to make and was started in 1987. If that sounds fast, it’s because there were 10,000 craftsmen and 3,000 workers. Work on the mosque happened 24/7.
The cost of the mosque is unknown but the people of Morocco donated 800 million and Hassan III donated at least 1/3rd of the total cost of the mosque. I would imagine billions of dollars. I’ve never seen anything so detailed in my life.
Every day, 200 people work to clean the mosque. It does cost money to go in and have a tour but this is one of the few mosques non religious can enter and I HIGHLY recommend it. This 3-hour tour of Casablanca includes a guided visit to the Mosque and is a good option.
From here, we went to the elaborate Palace of Justice. It seemed each building we visited was more beautiful than the next. Again, you turn a corner and discover a unique, handcrafted arch. We walked around the market for lunch and ate seasoned olives straight out of a bag.
For dinner, we cleaned up and headed to Rick’s Cafe. I was so excited. Rick’s Cafe is where the movie Casablanca is set and they made the restaurant look just like the movie. I was enthralled. The drinks were a bit expensive, but also delicious.
Dinner was at Port De Peche, a lively, casual place with delicious seafood.
For where to stay in Casablanca, you’ll find many modern options. Le 135 hotel is a good choice and very nice. Or you can opt for the Hotel Moroccan House Casablanca.

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